PI Planning Simulation (17-18 February)
Niladri Mahapatra

PI Planning Simulation (17-18 February)

Feb 17, 2024 (Sat) 12:00 PM ~ 02-18 (Sun) 8:00 PM

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Business Executive


Product Manager


System Architect


Scrum Master


Product Owner


Team Member


DescriptionLecturer's Introduction


What is PI Planning Simulation

PI Planning, or Planning Interval (formally Program Increment ) Planning, is a crucial event in the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) where multiple Agile teams come together to align on a shared vision and define their objectives for the upcoming Program Increment (PI). It’s a collaborative effort that ensures synchronization, fosters innovation, and sets the stage for the delivery of value.

PI Planning Simulation is an immersive, hands-on training experience designed to replicate the real-world challenges and scenarios faced during a PI Planning event. Instead of merely learning the theoretical aspects, participants are thrust into a simulated environment where they must navigate the complexities of planning, coordination, and collaboration.

Why is Simulation Important?

  1. Real-world Application: Through simulation, participants get a taste of the actual challenges they might face, making the learning experience more tangible and memorable.
  2. Safe Environment: Mistakes are a part of learning. The simulated environment provides a risk-free space where participants can make errors, learn from them, and refine their skills without any real-world repercussions.
  3. Enhanced Engagement: Active participation in a simulation ensures that attendees are not just passive listeners but are actively engaged, leading to better retention and understanding of the concepts.
  4. Team Building: As participants work together in the simulation, they also build camaraderie, understanding, and teamwork skills that are invaluable in a real PI Planning event.

Join us in this transformative journey and experience firsthand the intricacies, challenges, and rewards of a successful PI Planning event. Whether you’re new to SAFe or looking to hone your skills, our PI Planning Simulation course is tailored to offer insights and experiences that will elevate your Agile journey.

Duration: 16 hours | Mode: Online/Live |Level: Advanced | Price: $150


Day 1 - 14th Oct 2023

Kick-off Warm-up Activity - 30 Min

Duration: 30 minutes

As we embark on our immersive PI Planning Simulation journey, it’s essential to set the right tone and ensure everyone is comfortable and familiar with the environment. That’s where our Kick-off Warm-up Activity comes into play.

What to Expect?
  1. Welcoming & Introductions: A brief moment for participants to introduce themselves, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie right from the start.
  2. Environment Familiarization: We’ll guide you through the simulation tools and platforms we’ll be using, ensuring you’re comfortable navigating and utilizing them effectively.
  3. Setting the Stage: This is where we lay down the ground rules, set expectations, and clarify any queries. It’s all about ensuring everyone is on the same page and ready to dive into the simulation with confidence.
  4. Engaging Icebreakers: A couple of light-hearted activities to break the ice, get those creative juices flowing, and build team synergy.

This warm-up is not just a precursor but an integral part of our simulation. It ensures that when the main event begins, everyone is engaged, familiar with the tools, and, most importantly, excited about the journey ahead. So, come prepared to mingle, explore, and set the stage for an enriching PI Planning Simulation experience!

Business Executive Briefing - 1.5 Hours

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

The Business Executive Briefing is a pivotal moment in our PI Planning Simulation. It sets the strategic direction for the entire Program Increment, ensuring that every participant understands the broader vision and the specific expectations for the upcoming PI.

Key Highlights:

  1. Vision Presentation: The Business Executive, played by a well-prepared volunteer, will present the overarching vision for the Program Increment. This vision will serve as the guiding light, ensuring all teams align their efforts towards a unified goal.
  2. Expectations Clarification: Beyond the vision, it’s crucial to understand the tangible expectations. The briefing will delve into the specific outcomes, milestones, and deliverables expected by the end of the PI.
  3. Interactive Q&A: After the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications, and ensure they have a clear understanding of the vision and expectations.
  4. Realistic Simulation: Our volunteers are meticulously prepared ahead of the training to ensure that the briefing mirrors a real-world scenario. Their role is not just to present but to emulate the nuances, challenges, and dynamics of a genuine Business Executive Briefing.

The Business Executive Briefing isn’t just about imparting information; it’s about inspiring, aligning, and motivating all teams to work cohesively towards a shared vision. With our realistic simulation, participants will not only grasp the content but also experience the intricacies of navigating and absorbing strategic briefings in a real-world setting.

Product Vision - 1 Hours

Duration: 1 hour

In the heart of any successful Program Increment lies a clear and actionable product vision. The Product Visions segment of our simulation delves deep into this crucial aspect, ensuring that every participant is aligned with the product’s direction and understands its significance in the broader business landscape.

Key Highlights:

  1. Customer Expectations & Feedback: Product Management will shed light on the invaluable insights gathered from customers. This feedback is the cornerstone of our product development, ensuring we’re not just building products, but solutions that resonate with our user base.
  2. Vision for This PI: Beyond the immediate feedback, it’s essential to understand the broader vision for this Program Increment. Product Management will present the strategic direction, goals, and objectives for this PI, ensuring all teams are aligned and motivated towards a common purpose.
  3. Top 10-ish Features: The crux of the session will be the unveiling of the top features slated for development in this PI. These features, carefully curated and prioritized, represent the most significant value propositions and are pivotal to the product’s success in the upcoming increment.
  4. Interactive Discussion: This isn’t a one-way street. After the presentation, teams will have the opportunity to discuss, ask questions, and provide their insights, ensuring a holistic understanding and collaborative approach to the product’s vision.

The Product Visions session is more than just a presentation; it’s a collaborative dialogue. It’s about ensuring that every team member, from developers to testers, understands the “why” behind the “what.” With a clear vision and a set of prioritized features, teams are empowered to deliver products that truly make a difference.

Tea Break - 20 Min

Duration: 20 minutes

As we navigate through the virtual corridors of our PI Planning Simulation, it’s essential to take a momentary pause. We present to you a 20-minute Tea Break – an ideal opportunity to step away from your screens, stretch a bit, and refresh your mind.

What to Expect?

  1. Home Comforts: Being at home has its perks! Brew your favorite tea or coffee, grab a snack from your kitchen, and enjoy a few moments of relaxation in the comfort of your own space.
  2. Digital Detox: Use this time to disconnect from the digital realm. A short break from screens can help reduce eye strain and improve focus for the sessions ahead.
  3. Stretch & Move: Sitting for extended periods can be taxing. Use this break to stand up, stretch, or even take a quick walk around your home. Physical movement can invigorate the mind and body.
  4. Personal Time: Whether you want to reflect on the session, make some quick notes, or just enjoy the tranquility, this break is yours to use as you see fit.

Remember, even in a virtual setting, breaks play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience. They provide a moment of respite, allowing us to absorb information better and return with renewed energy.

Resumption: Once our break concludes, ensure you’re back online promptly. We’ll dive right back into the next segment of our PI Planning Simulation, continuing our collaborative and enlightening journey!

Architecture Vision - 1.5 Hours

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

The foundation of any successful product lies in its architecture. The Architectural Vision segment of our simulation delves into the intricate details of the system’s architecture, ensuring that every participant comprehends the technical direction and its implications for the upcoming Program Increment.

Key Highlights:

  1. Current Architecture & Challenges: Our System Architect, a dedicated volunteer, will provide insights into the existing system architecture, highlighting its strengths and pinpointing the challenges that need addressing.
  2. Proposed Architectural Changes: As the product evolves, so does its architecture. The briefing will cover the proposed changes to the architecture, ensuring that teams understand the rationale behind each modification.
  3. Recommendations to the Engineering Team: Beyond the architectural changes, the System Architect will provide specific recommendations to the engineering teams. These insights will guide development efforts, ensuring alignment with the architectural vision.
  4. Top 10-15 Enablers: The session’s focal point will be the introduction of the top enablers that teams should prioritize in their current PI. These enablers, vital for the system’s evolution, will pave the way for feature development and ensure the product’s scalability and robustness.
  5. Pre-Simulation Preparation: Our volunteers, playing the role of the System Architect, undergo a meticulous pre-simulation session. This preparation ensures that the Architectural Vision presented is not only informative but also mirrors real-world scenarios, enhancing the realism of the simulation.

The Architectural Vision session is a blend of strategic direction and technical depth. It equips teams with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions, ensuring that the product’s architecture supports and enhances the broader business objectives.

Planning context and lunch - 1 Hours

Duration: Approximately 1 hour

As we transition from understanding the architectural and product visions, it’s crucial to set the stage for the actual planning process. The Planning Context session, led by the RTE (Release Train Engineer), is designed to provide teams with a clear roadmap of the planning process, tools, and expected outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  1. Planning Process Overview: The RTE will present a comprehensive overview of the planning process, ensuring that every participant is aligned with the steps and stages involved.
  2. Team Formation: A crucial aspect of the planning process, teams will be formed during this session. The formation ensures that each team has the right mix of skills and expertise to tackle the challenges ahead.
  3. Capacity Planning & Allocation: Understanding and allocating capacity is pivotal for a successful PI. The RTE will guide teams through capacity planning, ensuring that resources are optimally utilized. This includes allocating capacity to different work types, ensuring a balanced approach.
  4. Tools Introduction: A brief introduction to the tools that teams will use during the planning process. This ensures that everyone is comfortable and familiar with the tools, enhancing efficiency and collaboration.
  5. Feature and Enabler Distribution: The RTE will oversee the distribution of features and enablers to the respective teams, ensuring that priorities are maintained and teams are equipped to deliver maximum value.
  6. Preview of the Team Breakdown Session: To set the stage for the next segment, the RTE will provide a glimpse into the upcoming 3-hour Team Breakdown session. This preview ensures that teams are mentally prepared and clear about the objectives of the next exercise.

Following the Planning Context, participants will have a lunch break, offering a moment of relaxation and refueling before diving into the intensive Team Breakdown session.

The Planning Context session is not just about process and tools; it’s about setting the right tone, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that every team is empowered with the knowledge and resources they need for a successful planning exercise.

Dinner/Lunch Break - 45 Min

Duration:  1 hour

Recognizing the diverse time zones of our participants, we’ve scheduled a Dinner/Lunch Break after our Planning Context session. Whether it’s lunchtime or dinnertime in your part of the world, this break offers a moment of relaxation and refueling before we dive deeper into the simulation.

What to Expect?

  1. Home Comforts: One of the perks of joining from home is the comfort of your own kitchen. Prepare your favorite meal, be it lunch or dinner, and enjoy it in the cozy ambiance of your space.
  2. Digital Detox: A brief respite from screens can do wonders for focus and energy. Use this time to disconnect, savor your meal, and perhaps even take a short walk or stretch.
  3. Mental Refresh: Beyond just a meal break, use this time to reflect on the session so far, jot down any thoughts or questions, or simply relax and recharge for the sessions ahead.
  4. Networking Opportunity: If you wish, you can use this break to connect with fellow participants informally. Sharing insights or discussing the day’s events can provide valuable perspectives.

As we reconvene post this break, we’ll be diving into the heart of our PI Planning Simulation. Ensure you’re back on time, rejuvenated, and ready for the collaborative and enlightening journey ahead!

Team Breakout - 3 Hours

Duration: 3 to 4 hours

The Team Break Out session is where the rubber meets the road. After absorbing the broader visions and contexts, teams now dive deep into the practical aspects of planning their iterations. This hands-on session is designed to simulate the real-world challenges and intricacies of agile planning, ensuring teams are well-equipped to translate visions into actionable plans.

Key Highlights:

  1. Capacity Estimation: Each team will estimate their capacity for every iteration, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of their bandwidth and capabilities.
  2. Backlog Prioritization: With capacity in mind, teams will identify and prioritize the backlog items essential to realize the features. This step ensures that the most critical items are addressed first, aligning with the broader product and architectural visions.
  3. Draft Plans Creation: Teams will create draft plans for each iteration, making them visible to all participants. This transparency fosters collaboration and ensures that every stakeholder is aligned with the team’s direction.
  4. Risk & Dependency Identification: As teams delve into planning, they’ll inevitably identify risks and dependencies. These will be documented, ensuring that they’re addressed proactively.
  5. Drafting PI Objectives: Each team will draft their initial team PI objectives, setting clear goals and expectations for the upcoming Program Increment.
  6. Tool Utilization:
    • Miro or Jira: Teams will use Miro or Jira for planning their iterations, ensuring that tasks, stories, and epics are organized and tracked efficiently.
    • Confluence: For documenting objectives, risks, and other essential information, teams will leverage Confluence, ensuring that knowledge is centralized and accessible.
  7. Experienced RTE Alignment: To enhance the learning experience and ensure that teams are guided appropriately, we’ll align an experienced RTE to each Team Break Out. Their expertise will be invaluable in navigating challenges and ensuring that teams get the most out of the session.

The Team Break Out session is the heart of the PI Planning Simulation. It’s where teams transition from understanding to action, ensuring that they’re not just equipped with knowledge but also with practical skills and experience to excel in real-world PI Planning scenarios.

Tea Break - 20 Min

Duration: 20 minutes

After the intensive “Team Break Out” session, it’s time for another brief pause. We present to you a 20-minute Tea Break – a perfect opportunity to step away from your screens, stretch, and refresh your mind.

What to Expect?

  1. Home Comforts: Being at home offers the luxury of your own kitchen. Brew your favorite tea or coffee and perhaps grab a light snack to recharge.
  2. Digital Detox: A short break from screens can help reduce eye strain and improve focus for the sessions ahead. Use this time to disconnect, relax, and rejuvenate.
  3. Stretch & Move: It’s always a good idea to move around a bit after sitting for an extended period. Stand up, stretch, or take a quick walk around your home to invigorate your mind and body.
  4. Reflection Time: Use this break to reflect on the “Team Break Out” session, jot down any thoughts or questions, or simply enjoy the tranquility.

As we reconvene post this break, we’ll be diving into the “Management Review and Problem-Solving” session. Ensure you’re back on time, refreshed, and ready to engage in this critical segment of our PI Planning Simulation.

You can place this description right after the “Team Break Out” section and before the “Management Review and Problem-Solving” section in your course outline.

Draft Plan Review - 1 Hour

Duration: 1 hour

The Draft Plan Review is a pivotal checkpoint in our PI Planning Simulation. After the intensive breakout sessions where teams dive deep into planning, this session serves as a platform for teams to present, review, and refine their draft plans. It’s a collaborative space where feedback is exchanged, ensuring that the plans are robust, aligned, and set up for success.

Key Highlights:

  1. Presentation of Key Outputs: Each team will present their primary planning outputs. This includes:
    • Capacity and Load: A clear breakdown of the team’s estimated capacity for the upcoming Program Increment.
    • Draft PI Objectives: The objectives that each team aims to achieve by the end of the PI.
    • Potential Risks: Challenges and uncertainties that might impact the team’s ability to meet their objectives.
    • Dependencies: Interdependencies with other teams or external factors that need to be managed.
  2. Stakeholder Review: Key stakeholders, including Business Owners and Product Management, will review the presented plans. Their insights, coming from a broader business perspective, are invaluable in refining and optimizing the plans.
  3. Team-to-Team Collaboration: This session isn’t just about top-down feedback. Other teams will also review and provide input, ensuring that inter-team dependencies and challenges are addressed collaboratively.
  4. Feedback Loop: The essence of the Draft Plan Review is feedback. Teams will receive constructive input on their plans, and they’ll have the opportunity to clarify, adjust, and refine based on this feedback.
  5. Alignment & Consensus: The ultimate goal of this session is to ensure alignment across all teams and stakeholders. By the end of the review, there should be a consensus on the direction, objectives, and approach for the upcoming Program Increment.

The Draft Plan Review is more than just a presentation session; it’s a collaborative forum. It ensures that every team’s plan is not only robust in its own right but also perfectly aligned with the broader organizational goals and objectives.

Management Review and Problem-Solving - 1 Hour

Duration: 1 hour

As we wrap up the first day of our PI Planning Simulation, the Management Review and Problem-Solving session serves as a critical checkpoint. This session is designed to address and resolve the challenges that have emerged from the draft plans, ensuring that the teams are set up for success as they move into Day 2.

Key Highlights:

  1. Review of Draft Plans: Management will conduct a thorough review of the draft plans presented by the teams. This review will identify challenges related to scope, resource constraints, dependencies, and other potential roadblocks.
  2. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Recognizing challenges is just the first step. The core of this session lies in collaboratively finding solutions. Whether it’s negotiating scope changes, reallocating resources, or addressing dependencies, the focus is on ensuring that the plans are both robust and achievable.
  3. RTE Facilitation: The RTE (Release Train Engineer) plays a pivotal role in this session. As the facilitator, the RTE ensures that discussions remain productive, stakeholders stay engaged, and decisions are made in a timely manner.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: This isn’t just a top-down review. All primary stakeholders are actively involved, ensuring that decisions made are holistic, considering both strategic objectives and ground realities.
  5. Decision-Making: The ultimate goal of this session is decision-making. By the end of the hour, there should be clear resolutions to the identified challenges, ensuring that teams have a clear path forward for Day 2.

The Management Review and Problem-Solving session is the culmination of Day 1’s efforts. It ensures that the hard work put into planning is complemented by effective problem-solving, setting the stage for a successful and productive Day 2.

Day 2 - 15th Oct 2023

Planning Adjustment - 1 Hour

Welcome back to Day 2 of our PI Planning Simulation! We kickstart our day with the Planning Adjustment session, a critical juncture where we recalibrate our plans based on new insights and changes.

Key Highlights:

  1. Management Presentation: The session begins with management presenting any changes to the planning scope, people, and resources. These changes could be a result of external factors, stakeholder feedback, or new business insights.
  2. Collaborative Review: Teams will review these changes collaboratively, understanding their implications and adjusting their plans accordingly.
  3. Adjustment & Realignment: The core of this session lies in making necessary adjustments to the draft plans. Whether it’s reprioritizing features, reallocating resources, or addressing new dependencies, the focus is on ensuring that the plans remain robust and aligned with the updated objectives.
  4. Setting the Stage: The Planning Adjustment session sets the tone for the rest of Day 2. It ensures that all teams are on the same page, equipped with the latest information, and ready to move forward with clarity and purpose.

As we conclude this session, we’ll be diving into the subsequent segments of our simulation, building on the foundation we’ve set today.

Team Breakouts #2 - 2 Hours

Duration: 2 hours

Building on the momentum from our previous sessions, we now move into the second phase of team breakouts. In Team Breakouts #2, teams delve deeper into their plans, making necessary adjustments based on the insights from the “Planning Adjustment” session and finalizing their objectives for the upcoming Program Increment.

Key Highlights:

  1. Continued Planning: Teams will continue the planning process, refining their strategies, reprioritizing features, and ensuring that their plans are robust and aligned with the broader organizational goals.
  2. Making Adjustments: Based on the changes presented during the “Planning Adjustment” session, teams will recalibrate their plans. This could involve reallocating resources, addressing new dependencies, or making other necessary modifications to ensure success.
  3. Finalizing PI Objectives: This session’s focal point is the finalization of the PI objectives. Teams will solidify their goals for the upcoming Program Increment, ensuring that they are clear, actionable, and aligned with the product and architectural visions.
  4. Business Value Assignment: Once teams have finalized their objectives, Business Owners will step in to assign business value to each objective. This process ensures that the teams’ efforts are directed towards the most valuable and impactful objectives, optimizing the return on investment for the organization.

The Team Breakouts #2 session is a blend of strategy, collaboration, and decision-making. It ensures that every team is not only equipped with a clear plan for the upcoming PI but also aligned with the organization’s broader objectives and values.

Tea Break - 20 Min

After the immersive “Team Breakouts #2” session, it’s time for another well-deserved pause. We present to you a 20-minute Tea Break – a perfect opportunity to step away from your screens, stretch, and refresh your mind.

What to Expect?

  1. Home Comforts: Being at home offers the luxury of your own kitchen. Brew your favorite tea or coffee and perhaps grab a light snack to recharge.
  2. Digital Detox: A short break from screens can help reduce eye strain and improve focus for the sessions ahead. Use this time to disconnect, relax, and rejuvenate.
  3. Stretch & Move: It’s always a good idea to move around a bit after sitting for an extended period. Stand up, stretch, or take a quick walk around your home to invigorate your mind and body.
  4. Reflection Time: Use this break to reflect on the “Team Breakouts #2” session, jot down any thoughts or questions, or simply enjoy the tranquility.

As we reconvene post this break, we’ll be diving into the subsequent segments of our PI Planning Simulation. Ensure you’re back on time, refreshed, and ready to engage in the next critical phase of our collaborative journey.

Final Plan Review and Lunch - 2 hours

As we approach the culmination of our PI Planning Simulation, the Final Plan Review session stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts of all teams. This session provides a platform for each team to present their refined plans, ensuring transparency, alignment, and collective validation.

Key Highlights:

  1. Team Presentations: Each team will take the stage to present their plans to the entire group. This includes their strategies, prioritized features, and objectives for the upcoming Program Increment.
  2. Risk and Impediment Declaration: As teams present, they will also state any risks and impediments they foresee. These are then handed over to the RTE (Release Train Engineer) for consideration in the subsequent ROAMing exercise.
  3. Business Owners’ Validation: At the conclusion of each team’s presentation, Business Owners will review the plan. They’ll assess if the plan aligns with the broader business objectives and provides the desired value.
  4. Plan Adjustments (if needed): If Business Owners identify concerns or areas of improvement, teams have the opportunity to adjust their plans accordingly. The goal is to ensure that every plan is robust, aligned, and set up for success.
  5. Display of Aggregate Objectives: Once a plan is accepted, teams will bring their PI objective sheet to the front of the room. This visual representation allows everyone to see the aggregate objectives unfold in real-time, fostering a sense of collective achievement.
  6. Lunch Break: After the intensive review session, participants will have a lunch break, offering a moment of relaxation and refueling before diving into the subsequent segments of the simulation.

The Final Plan Review is more than just a presentation session; it’s a collaborative validation process. It ensures that every team’s plan is not only robust in its own right but also perfectly aligned with the broader organizational goals and objectives.

Lunch/Dinner Break - 45 Min

After the comprehensive “Final Plan Review” session, it’s time to take a well-deserved break. Whether it’s lunch or dinner based on your time zone, this 45-minute break offers participants a chance to relax, refuel, and rejuvenate before the next segment of our PI Planning Simulation.

What to Expect?

  1. Home Comforts: Joining from home brings the advantage of your own kitchen. Prepare and savor your favorite meal, be it lunch or dinner, in the cozy ambiance of your space.
  2. Digital Detox: After the intensive review session, take this time to disconnect from the digital realm. Enjoy your meal without distractions, giving your mind a chance to rest and recharge.
  3. Stretch & Move: Use this break to move around and stretch. After sitting for an extended period, a bit of physical movement can help refresh both the mind and body.
  4. Reflection Time: As you enjoy your meal, reflect on the day’s activities so far. Think about the insights gained, the challenges faced, and prepare mentally for the sessions ahead.

As we reconvene post this break, we’ll be diving into the final segments of our PI Planning Simulation. Ensure you’re back on time, refreshed, and ready to engage in the concluding phases of our collaborative journey.

ART PI Risk Activity - 1 hour

Post our meal break, we dive into one of the most crucial segments of our PI Planning Simulation: the ART PI Risk Activity. This session is dedicated to addressing the risks and impediments that teams have identified during their planning. By addressing these risks in a broader management context, we ensure that the entire train is aligned and prepared to navigate potential challenges.

Key Highlights:

  1. Risk Compilation: All the risks and impediments identified by teams during their planning sessions are compiled. This comprehensive list ensures that no potential challenge is overlooked.
  2. Transparent Discussion: Each risk is discussed one by one in front of the entire train. This transparent approach ensures that every participant is aware of potential challenges and can contribute to finding solutions.
  3. Honesty & Openness: The essence of this activity is honesty. Teams and management address each risk with openness, ensuring that the discussions are constructive and solutions-oriented.
  4. Risk Categorization: After discussions, each risk is grouped into one of the specific categories:
    • Resolved: Risks that have been directly addressed and no longer pose a threat to the objectives.
    • Owned: Risks that have been assigned to specific individuals or teams who will take responsibility for managing them.
    • Accepted: Risks that, after consideration, are acknowledged but will not be actively managed. The train is willing to proceed with the understanding of these risks.
    • Mitigated: Risks for which specific actions have been taken to reduce their impact or likelihood.

The ART PI Risk Activity is not just about identifying challenges; it’s about proactive problem-solving. By addressing and categorizing risks in a collective setting, we ensure that the entire train is equipped to navigate challenges and stay on track towards achieving their PI objectives.

Confidence Vote - 15 Min

As we approach the culmination of our planning activities, the Confidence Vote stands as a testament to the collective belief in the plans crafted. This session provides a platform for each team to express their confidence in meeting their PI objectives, ensuring that the entire train moves forward with shared conviction.

Key Highlights:

  1. Voting Mechanism: Teams will vote on their confidence using a “fist of five” method. This can be done using fingers or, for remote events, a digital tool. In our simulation, the specific mechanism will be defined on the go, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.
  2. Interpreting the Vote:
    • Three Fingers or Above: An average vote of three fingers or more indicates a strong confidence level. If teams achieve this score, management should accept the commitment, signaling trust in the team’s plan.
    • Less than Three Fingers: An average vote below three fingers indicates reservations or concerns. Typically, this would require the team to rework its plan. However, for the sake of our simulation’s time constraints, we expect and hope that the confidence level is at least three.
    • Two Fingers or Fewer: Any individual voting with two fingers or fewer will have the opportunity to voice their concerns. This feedback is invaluable as it might highlight potential risks, areas for replanning, or provide crucial insights.
  3. ART Collective Vote: After each team has cast their individual votes, a collective vote is conducted for the entire ART. This ensures that everyone expresses their confidence in the combined plan, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Confidence Vote is more than just a formality; it’s a reflection of collective belief and commitment. By gauging confidence levels, we ensure that every team is not only aligned in their plans but also in their conviction to execute them successfully.

Note on Replanning:

While in real-world scenarios, a low confidence vote might trigger a replanning phase to address concerns and refine the strategy, it’s important to note that for the purposes of our simulation, we will skip the replanning process regardless of the vote outcome. This decision is made to respect the time constraints of our simulation and ensure a smooth flow of activities. Participants are encouraged to voice their concerns and feedback, as these insights are invaluable for learning and understanding the PI Planning process.

Plan rework - Skipped - 0 Min

Duration: Variable (Based on the volume of risks or issues raised)

In the dynamic world of PI Planning, the Plan Rework session serves as an adaptive mechanism to ensure that teams are fully aligned and confident in their objectives. Recognizing that plans might need adjustments based on risks, feedback, or unforeseen challenges, this session provides teams with the flexibility to refine their strategies.

Key Highlights:

  1. Adaptive Planning: The essence of this session is adaptability. Teams have the liberty to adjust their objectives, ensuring that they are robust, achievable, and aligned with the broader organizational goals.
  2. Driven by Feedback: The need for a rework is typically driven by feedback from the Confidence Vote, risks identified, or other concerns raised during the planning process.
  3. No Fixed Timebox: Unlike other sessions, the Plan Rework doesn’t have a fixed time frame. The duration is variable, depending on the volume of risks or issues raised. This flexibility ensures that alignment and commitment are prioritized over strict time constraints.

Note on Simulation:

For the purposes of our simulation, we will skip the Plan Rework session. This decision is made to respect the time constraints of our simulation and ensure a streamlined experience for participants. While the rework session is a valuable aspect of PI Planning in real-world scenarios, our focus in the simulation is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview while adhering to the allotted time.

Retrospective and Moving Forward - Open Ended

Duration: Open-ended

As we draw the curtains on our PI Planning Simulation, the Planning Retrospective and Moving Forward session offers a moment of reflection, feedback, and forward-thinking. This session is an opportunity for participants to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions, ensuring continuous improvement for future planning events.

Key Highlights:

  1. Open Discussion: Participants are encouraged to share their viewpoints, experiences, and feedback from the simulation. This open dialogue fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
  2. RTE-Led Retrospective: The RTE (Release Train Engineer) will lead a brief retrospective, focusing on three key areas:
    • What Went Well: Celebrating the successes and positive aspects of the simulation.
    • What Didn’t: Identifying challenges, areas of improvement, or aspects that didn’t go as planned.
    • What to Do Better Next Time: Collaboratively brainstorming suggestions and strategies for enhancing future PI planning events.
  3. Networking Opportunity: Beyond the formal retrospective, participants are encouraged to stay back, network, and engage in informal discussions. This is a chance to build connections, share insights, and learn from peers.
  4. Flexibility in Departure: Recognizing the open-ended nature of this session, participants who wish to leave can do so after sharing their viewpoints. We value every piece of feedback and appreciate the time and effort invested by each participant.


The Planning Retrospective and Moving Forward session is not just a conclusion; it’s a commitment to continuous growth. By reflecting on our experiences and looking ahead, we ensure that every PI Planning event is better than the last, driving value, alignment, and success for all involved.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

As we conclude our PI Planning Simulation, it’s essential to recognize that the real-world journey of PI Planning extends beyond what we’ve simulated today. While our simulation provided a comprehensive overview, there are practical steps and actions that teams typically undertake post the planning event.

Here’s what teams might usually do following a real-world PI Planning session:

  1. Room Cleanup: If you’ve used physical spaces for planning, it’s a common courtesy and practice to clean up the rooms, ensuring they’re ready for subsequent use.
  2. Digital Integration: Enter the team PI objectives and stories into your Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM) tooling. This ensures that all plans, objectives, and stories are digitally documented, tracked, and accessible to all relevant stakeholders.
  3. Calendar Review: Take a moment to review both team and ART events calendars. This helps in aligning schedules, identifying potential overlaps, and ensuring that all team members are aware of upcoming events and commitments.
  4. Iteration Planning & Team Sync: Determine the locations and timing for Iteration Planning and Team Sync sessions. Whether these are physical locations or virtual meeting rooms, having this sorted early ensures smooth execution of subsequent sprints.

While these steps might seem logistical, they play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth transition from planning to execution. As your RTE, I encourage all teams to adopt these best practices in your real-world PI Planning endeavors. The journey of continuous improvement and alignment doesn’t end here; it’s a perpetual cycle of planning, executing, reviewing, and adapting.

Thank you for your active participation and engagement in this simulation. Here’s to successful Program Increments and achieving our collective objectives!

IST Time

4:30 PM - 12:30 AM

Applicable for both 14th and 15th Oct 2023

EST Time

7:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Applicable for both 14th and 15th Oct 2023

GMT Time

11:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Applicable for both 14th and 15th Oct 2023

ACT Time

8:30 PM - 04:30 AM

Day 1 : Starting on 14th ending on 15th

Day 2 : Starting on 15th ending on 16th

Roles in the Simulation

Given the diverse roles, associated responsibilities, pre-simulation sessions, content arrangements, and tool setups involved in our PI Planning Simulation, we’ve streamlined the enrollment process to ensure a seamless experience for all participants. Please take a moment to explore the options you want to opt for, Subject to availability. 

Business Executive

Limit - 3

The role of a Business Executive is pivotal in PI Planning. While we require only one Business Executive for the simulation, we understand that unforeseen circumstances might arise. Therefore, we’re seeking three volunteers for this role to ensure smooth execution.

All volunteers for the Business Executive role will undergo a training session one week prior to the Simulation. This session will familiarize you with your roles and responsibilities during PI Planning. If we have multiple volunteers, a group session will be organized to distribute responsibilities among the participants.

By volunteering for this role, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the strategic aspects of PI Planning and have a significant impact on the simulation’s success.

Product Manager

Limit - 3

Product Management plays a central role in guiding the direction of PI Planning, ensuring that customer needs and business objectives align seamlessly. Recognizing the importance of this role, we’re seeking multiple volunteers to ensure there’s always a representative available.

All volunteers for the Product Management role will participate in a dedicated training session one week before the Simulation. This training will equip you with a clear understanding of your duties and expectations during PI Planning. If we have several volunteers, a group session will be organized to allocate responsibilities and ensure cohesive collaboration.

By stepping into the Product Management role, you’ll experience firsthand the strategic decision-making processes and contribute significantly to the simulation’s outcomes.

System Architect

Limit 3

The System Architect is instrumental in shaping the technical direction during PI Planning, bridging the gap between overarching business goals and the technical intricacies of implementation. Given the critical nature of this role, we’re inviting multiple volunteers to ensure consistent representation.

All volunteers for the System Architect role will be provided with a specialized training session one week prior to the Simulation. This session aims to clarify your specific responsibilities and expectations during PI Planning. In the event of multiple volunteers, a group session will be held to distribute roles and ensure a harmonized approach.

By volunteering as a System Architect, you’ll delve deep into the technical strategy of PI Planning and play a vital role in the simulation’s technical success.

Scrum Master

Limit - 10

The Scrum Master is a key figure in ensuring agile practices are upheld and teams function at their optimal capacity during PI Planning. Recognizing the significance of this role, we’re inviting up to 10 volunteers to potentially step into the Scrum Master shoes.

All volunteers for the Scrum Master role will undergo a targeted training session one week before the Simulation. This training will outline your roles, responsibilities, and best practices to adopt during PI Planning. Given the dynamic nature of team formations, the actual number of Scrum Masters involved will depend on the final number of participants and how teams are structured.

By volunteering as a Scrum Master, you’ll have the opportunity to champion agile methodologies and contribute to the smooth functioning of teams during the simulation.

Note: The involvement of each Scrum Master volunteer will be contingent on the final team formations and participant count.

Product Owner

Limit - 10

The Product Owner is pivotal in translating business objectives into actionable tasks and ensuring that the team delivers value in line with the product vision during PI Planning. Given the essential nature of this role, we’re actively seeking multiple volunteers to potentially step into the Product Owner role.

All volunteers for the Product Owner role will participate in a dedicated training session one week before the Simulation. This training will provide clarity on your roles, responsibilities, and the nuances of backlog management during PI Planning. However, it’s important to note that the actual involvement of each Product Owner volunteer will be determined by the final number of participants and the structure of the teams formed.

By volunteering as a Product Owner, you’ll be at the forefront of decision-making, ensuring that the team’s efforts align with the overarching product goals and deliver tangible value.

Note: The engagement of each Product Owner volunteer will be based on the final team configurations and overall participant count.



Developers and members of the Engineering Team are the backbone of any PI Planning event, turning visions into reality through their technical expertise and collaborative efforts. In our simulation, by default, every participant will be enrolled as a member of the Developers or Engineering Team.

If you choose not to volunteer for any of the specialized roles, you will automatically be designated as a Developer or Engineering Team member. While there won’t be a pre-simulation session specifically for this group, rest assured that we will provide all necessary training and guidance during the simulation itself.

By participating as a Developer or member of the Engineering Team, you’ll be immersed in the hands-on technical aspects of PI Planning, collaborating with peers to shape solutions and drive the product forward.

Note: Volunteering for specialized roles is optional. If you opt not to, your default role will be within the Developers/Engineering Team.

Enrol Now

Given the diverse roles, associated responsibilities, pre-simulation sessions, content arrangements, and tool setups involved in our PI Planning Simulation, we’ve streamlined the enrollment process to ensure a seamless experience for all participants. Please take a moment to select the option you want to opt for, Subject to availability. 

Thank you for your commitment to making this simulation a success!

Lecturer's Introduction

Niladri Mahapatra

Niladri Mahapatra

Founder Agile Digest

Niladri Mahapatra is a Senior executive with an indelible reputation for delivering inventive business strategies and client-focused solutions that improve Team Moral, Maturity, Quality, Discipline, Alignment, Synchronization, Transparency and of course Margins. Highly successful in building relationships with upper-level decision makers, seizing control of critical problem areas, and delivering on customer commitments. Key experience includes Agile Transformation and coaching, Process Re-engineering, Training.

He is a SAFe Program Consultant and conducts SAFe Certification workshops. Along with that, he trains Teams in many other areas like Sprint simulation, Mastering Jira, Path to become Scrum Master, Scrum & Kanban Fundamental etc.

Niladri Mahapatra has 23+ Years of experience in the field of Agile Transformation, including Leadership Management and ALM Implementation in small and complex business engagement, within a group as well as delivering responsibilities at an individual level. Handling multiple clients across the globe, gave him more opportunities to interact and communicate with clients of different time zones and cultures.

Niladri is a seasoned trainer, coach and mentor with an indelible reputation for delivering inventive business strategies and client-focused solutions that improve Team Moral, Maturity, Quality, Discipline, Alignment, Synchronization, Transparency and of course Margins. Highly successful in building relationships with upper-level decision makers, seizing control of critical problem areas, and delivering on customer commitments. Key experience includes Agile Transformation and coaching, Process Re-engineering, Training.

Niladri has his own youtube channel named Agile Digest with 24000 + subscribers, the channel has many videos absolutely free and very useful for the agile community, which covers a wide range of categories of videos including SAFe, Scrum, Kanban, Case Studies, Jira, Rally and many more.

Niladri is currently owning a company Agile Digest Consulting PVT LTD. A company that focuses on consulting services and product solutions which help organizations with digital strategy; agile transformations; DevOps and continuous delivery with suitable professional training, coaching, consultancy and seasoned skilled colleagues. Agile Digest spread the dimensions across Agile Coaching, Agile transformation, Agile consulting, and Agile delivery model/strategy.

Business Executive


Product Manager


System Architect


Scrum Master


Product Owner


Team Member
